Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I had great intentions of posting this yesterday..... and well... Life happened! :)
And I got engrossed into my book again! Yes it is an addiction. I LOVE to read! which doesn't really go well with a FT job and kids and hubby to care for!
I have starting listening to the Dave Ramsey show again at work.  I have alot of time where I just sit in my office, looking at paperwork, and I enjoy listening to things. I also have a 30 minuet commute each way to and from work, not including dropping off the kido's to daycare and school.  That being said, a few weeks ago he was talking about telivions.   Even more then that I have been listening to the book on tape, "the secrets of the millionaire mind" Which got me thinking... Maybe I should look into this.

I am the first to admit that I LOVE me some good TV.  It is relaxing and mindless.  It is nice to come home and escape.  That being said,  I do get sucked in.  My son (6 yr old) LOVES TV too.  Amazing how children mimic their parents.  However it is now time to fix this.

Im pretty sure  this is one that he was referring to on his show. 

"20 Things the Rich Do Every Day
13. 67% of wealthy watch one hour or less of TV every day vs. 23% of poor.
14. 6% of wealthy watch reality TV vs. 78% of poor."

I have read the book "Rich Habits" and between the combo of the 2 books and the one radio show, and like FOREVER to think about it.  With reading START.... well it is time to START!

As I do my daily google searches, I decided to search for "the rich don't watch tv"
and WOW a million responses came up.


We all know that watching reality TV will turn your brain to eggplant or possibly mashed zucchini. Either way, you are indulging in the number one activity which keeps nobodies from becoming somebodies. Corley found that 67 per cent of wealthy people watch an hour or less of TV each day - and that just 6 per cent watch reality TV. Yes, just 6 per cent, compared to 78 per cent of poor people.

19) People love to be comfortable. Rich people find comfort in uncertainty.
Average people don’t want to do any damn thing except eat snacks and watch tv. Wasting your days at a 9-5 and wasting your nights in front of the tv on a La-z-boy recliner with a bag of chips is comfortable for some, I guess, but it always made me miserable. Personally, I hate relaxing. It’s such a damn waste of time.
WOW!!! well there are some strong statements.  I am letting it sink in for a bit..... HUM makes me wonder about my nightly TV shows... :(

You reap what you sow

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