Tuesday, January 7, 2014

After time to think: TV

My brain feels alittle like MUSH... I have an EGGPLANT for a BRAIN.. And honestly I am quite ashamed.

I would say..

However, so far in my past, i've not been very successful with my new years resolutions, SO i have a new idea.  I will be turning off the TV.  I have 3 "shows"  (Parenthood, Revenge, and Grey's Anatomy).  That equals out to a total of 3 hr per week.  Not bad... BUT not good.  Ok now time to put it down.  That pretty much equals 30 min a day.  Well.. thats ok? RIGHT...
Well this is my challenge to myself.  I HATE to work out.. I have never enjoyed exercise, but it is no longer a choice i get to have for myself, I NEED to exercise. So my goal for THIS WEEK ( I do better when I do short term goals) for EVER minute of tv I watch.  I must Exercise that amount.

However I DON'T plan to do them both at the same time.  

Along with this, I will also challenge my son to do something similar. He gets to watch up to 30 min of TV a day. (YES this means I have to be a more entertaining parent) And then it is homework, color, etc.  More then anything BOOK READING time.

I hope this will work :(


I challenge you to unplug and try this out! 

AND to add insult to injury I came across this link

6 Shocking Ways TV Rewires Your Brain
#6. It Changes You, Even if You're Too Young to Know What You're Watching
#5. Yes, TV Lowers Your Attention Span
#4. It Alters Your Dreams


 So there you have it.  I guess TV needs to be much more limited in my life!







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