Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Interview Preperation!

I spent most of the day yesterday planning and researching for my pending interview.  Tomorrow will decide my next few months and ON TO YEARS.  I'm hoping God will provide and that what I think is right for me is, however only God knows what I am ready for.  However, that doesn't mean I don't have to prepare.

Ask & it will be given to you; seek & you will find; knock & the door will be opened to you.  Matthew 7:7
We all want it to be simple and easy, however God is not capable of giving us blessings, gifts, or guidance if we are not ready to receive them.

I still feel that there is still so much more I need to learn, however, I'm willing to do all that I need to, to be ready.

Thanks to the wonderful world of Pintrest I found some great helpful topics.  I read though a bunch of tips and wrote down alot of the common questions asked.  I filled about half a notebook with notes to prepare me, and I feel like I am about ready for this challenge.  I also wrote answers to each one of the questions. 
1: I feel that my resume and cover letter were perfected a few weeks ago. (about 2 days after I received the notification of interview #2) then
2: I spent about a week or two preparing for the Critical Thinking assessment.  I was silly and Googled "critical thinking assessment" I received MANY brain teaser questions like...

"You have only an 8-liter jug and a 3-liter jug. Both containers are unmarked. You need exactly 4 liters of water. 

How can you get it, if a water faucet is handy?"
Really, you have GOT TO ME KIDDING ME!!
These types of questions are NOT good for me.  My mind doesn't think that way, however I worked and worked and practiced and practiced.  Then I downloaded an app on my phone.  That way no matter were I am, I can prepare.   The app was WAY better then the silly brain teasers.  They were thought out real questions.  TOUGH non the less, they really make you think, but I loved it!
3: I spent the weekend and yesterday preparing for the interview. I have my clothes laid out, I have my answers ready, and I spent a few years researching the company.  On almost every site I read I needed to know about the company.  I knew alot, however I didnt realize how LITTLE I really did know.  Actually made me sad to realize I know so little about my current job. However, im looking forward and working foward!!
I want to end with a quote.

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. [Motivational Quote] [Motivational Poster] 

I swear one day I will go back to budgeting... However, I think all enjoy a good real life from time to time. 

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