Saturday, August 10, 2013

Master bedroom project

I remember when we bought our townhouse I was so excited to have a master bedroom. My hubby was given a nice bedroom set from his grandma when he was about 16. This set had been in her home for about 20+ yr. with a 16 year old boy old mixed with time, it wasn't exactly perfect.
Last year after reading a post, I got inspired.
I asked HH for a sander for Mother's Day!!! And man he delivered!!!

I spent a lot of time sanding sanding staining etc last year (with a big pregnant belly and a wonderful fancy mask! 
I stained the bedroom set with red mohogney. Our room has alot of cherry tones and I thought it would look good.

HH told me he thought it looked more red/maroon but he didn't mind. He was good with whatever I wanted.

After a lot of work I got the set done. The headboard didn't really turn out as I had hoped and:... The color was all off.
I was disappointed. Through the winter of staring at it, it was time to change. I really didn't want to deal with the polyethylene I put on it to make it shiny so I thought panting it black would be great!
I found this post and was about ready to get started. My neighing and HH told me I should sand it first! :( blah!!!! And the neighbor said there is this really good product.

I was skeptical but thought what's the worst that could happen.
Thanks to Toni and her wonderful blog! I got inspired!! 

Seriously check her OUT she is AMAZING!! 

Home Organization 101 Season 3 BUTTON 
Enter project Master bedroom set!!

You can see how Orange ie red it is.  Not a good look! :)
I stared with the night stand, because if it didnt work and I hated it, then I could always back peddle and decide to paint it.  I love this however both hubby and I agreed that we liked the wood look better then just covering it with paint. (We would have painted it black not white)  

This stuff is FANTASTIC!!!! It worked wonders.  I sure like my neighbors they are a wonderful resource.  I totally recommend using this rather then this the liquid stuff.  I ran out of my first can of spray while working on the head board, and used the other stuff.  It did not work NEARLY as well as the spray, so I ran down to the hardware store to pick up a few more cans.

Once you spray the stuff on, it starts to pull up the polyethane coat and you use a plastic putty knife to take it off.
After that I still needed to sand it.  It ONLY took of the poly, the sain needed alittle assistance.

I didnt take all of the stain off, because honestly, I got lazy!

Here is the head board.  You can't really tell where I used the spray vs the liquid, however the liquid took alot more work.
Here is my stain.  It wasn't 100% perfect, but once I put the drawers in, no one will see my drips.  I put the stain on, let it sit for a good 20 min, then LIGHTLY wiped off the extra.
Here are the drawers!! EAK they look so PREETY!!!

I forgot to take more pics though the process, alot of the rest was worked on in the evenings, after work.  When I worked on the set last time, it took me about 6 weeks, so this time, I PUSHED myself to finish it all in 5 days. 

After all the sanding and staining, I decided to use a different poly.  I used this last time, but I had to be VERY careful, because my brush strokes showed, and I got alot of bubbles in it on the drawers.  I looked and looked and ended up choosing a spray.  Since I had so much luck with the spray stripper, I thought there wasn't any harm in trying this. I planned to do 3 coats, but I ended up only needing 2. So I have a extra can for another project. 

Now here is the second post that got me into it.  Thanks to A Bowl Full Of Lemons.  I love this blog and it has really inspired me to get my house cleaned up and organized.

Our comfy bed.  My husband got me a new comforter and pillows a few months ago.  Our old one was worn out, and it was time for something new.
I used her advice and I went through everything in the room.  Because I had to unload all of the drawers to work on the bedroom set, I just went through each item before I put it back in.  I also pulled out everything from underneath the bed.

Under the bed is very valuable real estate so we take advantage of it.  On one side we have the extra leaf to the kitchen table, and the other side is where we keep our wrapping items and cards.  It has easy access and we can keep the "santa" wrapping paper here, and the boys don't have access to it. 
I love this box, it fits perfectly under the bed.
This is my bag of bags.  I lay these on its side under the bed under where my pillow is.  It is simple and easy to pull it out and I have tissue paper on the side for quick easy wrapping.  

I feel our night stands really represent us.  Our bedroom set only has one, and I decided this project I wasn't going to stain mine.  I still think I will, but not exactly sure when, and Im trying to decide if I want to stain it or paint it (it is made out of ply wood, so I worry about sanding it)

Here is my HUBBY's night stand.  Complete with his 6 in tall girlfriend.  If you don't know it is Vanellope Von Schweetz, from Wreck it Ralph.  We found her on clearance at walmart, so I though he would enjoy.  Because he has her there, I placed a few photos of myself to counter act the SUPER CUTE NESS!!! 

This is my night stand.  Pretty simple.  LOTS of books.  I go through them and read them over and over.  I love my self help books, and I love the ones that talk about money.    I also have a cute little friend on my night stand too.  If you watch the Big Bang Theory, it is soft kitty. My sweet honey got it for me for my birthday a few months ago. 
Here is the other end of the room.  Check out how AMAZING the dresser looks!!!! It matches our other furniture wonderfully! 

I love this picture to show off the head board! 
Here is a close up of the dresser/mirror.  
When I worked on the set last year, I put tape around the mirror, however I was not careful with my sander.  I scratched the HECK out of the mirror.  So I have been thinking of ways to make it look nice without spending the money to replace the mirror.  I got a can of frosted spray pant and hoped it would do the trick.  I taped around the edge measured at 2 in.  Along with adding paper so I wouldn't get it where I didn't want it.  It didn't work perfect, but hey perfection isn't for DIY! :)

I love my new bedroom feel and I love that it was very inexpensive.

Cost Breakdown
- Sander : Already owned
-Sand paper 80 grit: Already owned
- Dark Walnut stain 1 qt: $7.77
-Rags & brush: Already owned/ $2.00
-Stripper: $6.28x3 = $18.84
-Polyurethane: $7.78 x 3... Only used 2 = $15.56
- Frosted Spray Paint: $4.98
- Tape: Already owned

Total Cost: $49.15

So for less then $50 we have a FULL NEW BEDROOM SET!! :)   HOPE YOU ENJOYED! 

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